Jesus is not a doormat –


Jesus is not a doormat.

‘Well, duh.’ Some of you are rolling your eyes at me right now. Hear me out.

Of course the Creator of the universe can’t be equated to a doormat. That’s absolutely ridiculous, is it not? Any one of us would readily acknowledge that if approached with the notion.

So why do we live as if grace is just the place where we wipe the sin off our shoes?

I’m surprised when I dig into my brain, into the deeper motives and thoughts that crank the gears, only to discover how often I myself am guilty of this. I was so careful with the mercy I’d just been handed when I was first saved, carrying it like a fragile piece of china. These days it’s more like I’m running around in my pajamas with a pair of scissors in each hand and the china plate balanced on my head. When did I get so careless? And how did it happen so quietly, slipping my attention?

When did I begin treating my holy Savior like a doormat?

This issue arises, I suspect, when we start to lose sight of who He really is. We are so in awe of Him those weeks after we’re born into His family that all we want to do is please Him.

But somehow we allow Him to become something in our lives that he should never be: second class. Ordinary.

My brothers and sisters, let’s never lose that joy and wonder we soaked in at first meeting Him. Let’s strive to learn something new about this infinitely complex God of ours every single day. Let’s be amazed at a new revelation of who He is on this dreary Tuesday. Let’s not treat Christ as if He’s just a formula or a machine for forgiveness.

After all; Jesus is not our doormat.

Romans 6:1-4

cool – we need to be in god’s amazing story, not he in ours, we should have God’s agenda, not him have ours, we need to find out more about God and what he wants to do in our lives and allow him to guide us.